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Your Gift Makes our Ministry Possible!
Because of You, African Enterprise is able to spread the Gospel across Africa. Over 60 years of ministry, we’ve reached millions of people and we’ve only just begun. Give to AE and see lives transformed every day all over Africa.
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Use any of the bank accounts below for offline donations.
- Bank: ING SA, Cours St Michel, BE – 1040 Etterbeek (Belgium)
- IBAN: BE71 3101 6614 9669
- Bank: Rabobank van West-Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (Dutch)
- IBAN: NL41 RABO 0147 8699 00
With communication “Gift for African Enterprise + ….”
- Bank: PostFinance, Nordring 8, CH – 3030 Berne (Swiss)
- IBAN: CH92 0900 0000 8004 2881 3
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Partner with African Enterprise to see Jesus’ love
in Word and Deed across Africa.
Real Life Transformations
Stories of Impact

I found the discipleship program to be transformational. My life has been greatly impacted by the courses of the program. It has stirred up my spirit to read the Bible and for ministry by getting involved in training others.
Youth, Ethiopia

Following the KAYONZA mission in Rwanda, we have been blessed to have 7 new converts in our church and they are going through the process of discipleship for their spiritual growth.
Pastor, Rwanda

With the help of the Foxfires leadership, we were able to start online ministry while at home. This gave me the opportunity to be the change agent I am meant to be. I
commit to make his name known for as long as I live.
Shalom Shikuku,
FoxFires 2020, Kenya

I feel that there is a great need for healing in our communities and
for building bridges across nationalities, races and in helping
to further unite the Church.
Sithembiso Ntshangase,
Anglican Ministry, Durban