Being Salt and Light in the most difficult circumstances
“Please pray for this new AE church partner, and for the encouragement of the pastor and his kids as they adjust to this challenging new environment, bringing the word of God to a desperately poor area.”
At the entrance of the Buskenyi slum in Western Kampala stands Nakulabye West church of Uganda. The side walls of the church actually form one side of the slum gateway, and the back of the church overlooks the slum proper. Members of this congregation took part in the clean-up a few days ago, and CEO AE Australia Ben Campbell took the opportunity to visit the church itself.

There he was welcomed by pastor’s kids (PKs) Simeon (21) and Damalie (25) who have moved in with their Pastor dad 9 months ago. Both are serving at the church during their studies through music, and Damalie is completing a course in fashion design. They have moved with their father at least seven times since birth.
Their new church is constantly dusty and there is scarcely any privacy for these young people, although they did say they were well accepted by the community surrounding them. “The attitude of the community is good to us”, Damalie said, “however, there is a lot of noise and it is difficult to get used to. People in the slums are working 24/7, and there is a lot of drunkenness and yelling.” Also their only toilet facilities is a public toilet, and has to be kept locked during the week. Damalie said that adjusting to the new environment was very difficult, particularly after enjoying cleaner air and Sunday school teaching at her former church.
Church attendees often come in for individual prayer requests, and turn up to services drunk. “They are still easy to talk to, even when intoxicated” Damalie advises. “Even in the midst of hardship and sin, they will come.”
Both PKs and their dad were very appreciative of the work of AE in helping to clean up their area and asked for a blessing on them before the team moved on. In his closing words, Simeon wanted to share with global supporters a verse from Luke 2:25, about his righteous namesake Simeon and his joy in seeing eternal salvation available to all who believe.
Please pray for this new AE church partner, and for the encouragement of the pastor and his kids as they adjust to this challenging new environment, bringing the word of God to a desperately poor area. So many youth needing hope are in the area, as many of the elderly move to villages to maintain a quieter more traditional lifestyle. Please pray that we may be able to provide direction through Christ to these young people, and that the Lord might have mercy on their community.
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